Ongoing Support

Cooperation > Ongoing Support

Independent Refuge offers a range of support and resources to program participants after their placement as live-in home care aids. One crucial aspect of this support is continued assistance with ongoing immigration legal needs. The organization helps participants navigate the complex immigration system, providing guidance and support in obtaining necessary documents and ensuring their immigration status remains secure. This support is essential in ensuring the long-term stability and legal protection of program participants.

In addition to immigration legal assistance, Independent Refuge also provides housing to program participants on their days off work. This accommodation allows participants to have a place to stay and rest during their time off, creating a sense of stability and security. By providing this housing, Independent Refuge helps address the housing needs of program participants, which is especially important for individuals who may not have their own housing in the US.

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Furthermore, Independent Refuge serves as a haven for program participants in case of any unresolvable conflicts between the refugee and the seniors they care for. Conflicts can arise due to various reasons, and Independent Refuge recognizes the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of program participants in these situations. The organization steps in to provide a safe space and support, working towards resolving the conflict or finding an alternative placement if necessary. This assistance helps to protect the interests and safety of program participants.

Independent Refuge also continues to provide ongoing emotional support and guidance to program participants. Adjusting to a new country, culture, and job can be challenging, and program participants may experience emotional highs and lows. The organization offers a support system to help participants navigate these challenges, providing a listening ear, advice, and counseling services if needed. This emotional support is crucial in ensuring the overall well-being and mental health of program participants.

Lastly, Independent Refuge offers access to educational opportunities for program participants to expand their capabilities and skills. The organization identifies various educational tracks that participants can pursue, such as English language learning or other areas of interest. By providing these educational opportunities, Independent Refuge empowers program participants to enhance their knowledge and seek additional career paths in the US, contributing to their long-term growth and independence.

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