Interview & Answers

Cooperation > Interview & Answers
At Independent Refuge, we understand the importance of getting to know our applicants and ensuring a good fit for our program. The Interview and Answers stage is where we begin this process of building a strong foundation for our relationship with potential participants.

The first step in this stage is completing our online application. This application helps us confirm that applicants meet the high-level requirements of the Independent Refuge program. It allows us to gather important information about their background, experiences, and expectations. We encourage applicants to provide detailed responses so that we can better understand their situation.
Once an applicant submits their online application, appropriate candidates are contacted and asked to schedule a Xoom call—an online video platform—to have a Question & Answer session with us. This call provides an opportunity for applicants to ask any questions they may have about Independent Refuge and its programs. It also allows us to get to know them better on a personal level.

Following the initial Xoom call, we set up a follow-up conversation either in person at our office in Dnipro or via another Xoom call if necessary. During this second interaction, applicants have another chance to address any new questions or concerns that may have arisen after their initial conversation with us.

After successfully completing these interview stages, suitable candidates then proceed to participate in our Career Assessments—a crucial step towards determining suitability for placement within the program. Additionally, they also have the opportunity to speak directly with current program participants who are already living independently in the United States through Independent Refuge.

We believe that hearing from current participants empowers potential participants by providing firsthand insights into life in the United States as part of the Independent Refuge program. It allows them not only gain knowledge about what it’s really like but also build connections even before they embark on their journey.

The Interview and Answers stage of our program serves as an essential beginning point within which prospective refugees share their stories while gaining further understanding about how Independent Refuge operates—ultimately enabling both parties to make informed decisions. We are committed to establishing a strong and trusting relationship with our participants right from the start, recognizing that each person’s journey is unique and deserving of individual attention.

If you’re interested in learning more about Independent Refuge or want to apply for our program, we encourage you to complete our online application today. We look forward to hearing from you!
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